Charity Preview Week… Sign up for you FREE CLASS today!
R3FORM – Cambridge’s new and innovative fitness studio, is now online and ready to accept your bookings for our Charity Preview Week, which starts on Saturday 7th October.
The team have chosen to support the work of local charity @something_to_look_forward_to
During our Preview Week 7-13 October, you can sign up for our signature R3FORM workout and FitCore Reformer in one of the UK’s largest reformer studios plus Barre-Fitness, Mat Pilates and Flow-Yoga classes in our second R3FRESH studio. Every preview week class is offered to you free of charge, we simply ask that you consider making a donation to the charity.
R3FORM is located in Marleigh and we can’t wait to show you around!
To book your classes, please use the linke below